Wednesday, January 21, 2009


im pretty sure im going to stick with this topic. i am known for changing my mind if something doesn't keep my interest. I am doing car customizations. I want to know why people do them but that question will be change. I've been fascinated with cars since i was 3 or 4 years old and the fascination never wore off. I love when cars are customized from exterior to interior to performance modifications i love every aspect of it. So now lets hope that i stay with this topic and do well on it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

my topic?

I think i will pursue car customizations. I am thinking about calling a few customization businesses and talking with them to set up times for me to come in and get some experience or at least some knowledge as to what exactly goes into customizing. So i think i actually found my topic.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Car Customization

So today I have narrowed my search down even more. I am leaning towards car customizations because I have always been into stuff like that. I have done it games and thought of many great designs. It's not just the design part it's the performance aspects too. This topic seems like a greater possiblity than the others because I can't think of the essential question for the other possible topics. We'll just have to see what happens.

Monday, January 12, 2009

narrowing it down

im narrowing down my topics. I still don't think I'm getting close enough to finalize it, but the two topics are sports (basketball or football) and the other would have to do with driving. One thing to consider is I like dogs though. Only time will tell which is best for me to choose.

Friday, January 9, 2009

???? HELP ???

I have a small knowledge of what i want my topic about. I have narrowed it down to between 3 different things that i really enjoy, and within those subjects are a few subtopics that i might try to pair up with them. It's somewhere between sports which would be basketball or football. It could be about cars or driving. The last thing it could be about helping out at anything. I know that's too broad of a topic but I haven't quite narrowed it down yet. As you see I'm still very undecided. Hopefully I will figure out what i want to do and do it soon!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

my real first blog

i've heard that the grad projects are taken seriously and are no joke. they cane be hard at times but if you get your work done and work steady it's easier than it seems and sounds. my project might have something to do with driving, cars, video games, or basketball, or even football. something that i enjoy. my concern is not finishing it outside of this class when it's more independent because i tend to procrastinate. overall i think ill do okay as soon as i figure out what i want to do.