Monday, March 30, 2009

rEAL crunch time

It's time to get stuff turned in that wasn't before. Get the grades up! And to take this more seriously than before because the trimester is winding down and I need to give my all in everything I do from now on! So far I'm getting on the right track. We'll see what happens...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Today I...

Today I was seriously working on my notes. I got down to business because it's crunch time. I have to get done what I need to get done and quick. I've actually been doing well. I received an e-mail from 1 of the places I'd like to interview telling me that they sent it to the owner to see if I can interview someone. So I'm happy with where I'm at so far.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Since Mrs. Savido said my did you know's was 'crap' I'm re-doing them. It greatly hurt my self esteem but I will just re-submit them soon. Right now I am on track gathering notes, trying to set up interviews, and getting myself together. So far so good I'm sticking to my word...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Did you know?????

Did you know that the first cars did not have steering wheels; they had levers.
Did you know that the first speeding ticket was issued in 1902.
Did you know that the first radio in a car was invented in 1929.
Did you know that Buick was the first to introduce electronic turn signals in 1938.
Did you know that car horns beep in a key and most cars beep in the key of "F".
Did you know that the city with more Rolls Royce's per capita is Hong Kong.
Did you know that 4% of people that get in a car crash had a baby in the car.
Did you know that the first Japanese car in the U.S. was a Honda Accord in Nov. 1982.
Did you know that an airbag inflates in only 40 milliseconds when activated in a crash.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


After presenting I have noticed that I can no longer slack off because a year is given. I need to put forth the effort in every aspect of this project. I did very well on the presentation and got some questions that made me realize that there are some opportunities for me to interview a few people. I am vowing to turn everything in on time and show that i can do this. If not then i dont know but I'm still vowing to do so. We' just see what happens...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Foundation Questions

What is the main age group that customizes cars?
What is considered as a customized car?
What is the price range of car customization?
What is the most common customized car? Why?
If dated what was the first part used to customize a car and what car was it? When?
What is the most common customizable accessory used? What's the price of it?
What are some of the most expensive accessories available to customize a car?
Are there any restrictions to any accessories? If so why? Is it in a particular area? Are there any particular areas that ban certain accessories or even certain vehicles?
When did trucks become popular to customize? Are they used for racing or for showing off?
What country originated customizing cars? Did that influence other countries to start the trend?Why?
Do people customize cars for racing, showoff, or for some other reason? What's the highest percentile for that question?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


im pretty sure im going to stick with this topic. i am known for changing my mind if something doesn't keep my interest. I am doing car customizations. I want to know why people do them but that question will be change. I've been fascinated with cars since i was 3 or 4 years old and the fascination never wore off. I love when cars are customized from exterior to interior to performance modifications i love every aspect of it. So now lets hope that i stay with this topic and do well on it.