Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Did you know?????

Did you know that the first cars did not have steering wheels; they had levers.
Did you know that the first speeding ticket was issued in 1902.
Did you know that the first radio in a car was invented in 1929.
Did you know that Buick was the first to introduce electronic turn signals in 1938.
Did you know that car horns beep in a key and most cars beep in the key of "F".
Did you know that the city with more Rolls Royce's per capita is Hong Kong.
Did you know that 4% of people that get in a car crash had a baby in the car.
Did you know that the first Japanese car in the U.S. was a Honda Accord in Nov. 1982.
Did you know that an airbag inflates in only 40 milliseconds when activated in a crash.

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